Saturday, August 4, 2012

How to Remove Facial Hair for Women | Facial Hair Removal Facial hair threading (also known as khite) is an ancient form of hair removal from the Eastern world that uses a cotton thread to pull hairs out from the root. It is quickly gaining popularity in the western world with celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez recently being reported in popular women's magazines as having weekly scheduled threading appointments. The new facial hair removing threader "Epicare" has been developed to work without having to be an expert in the technique. Anyone can use the Epicare threader to remove facial hair quickly and easily without having to go through the pain or expense of waxing, shaving or using depilatory creams. Just like traditional hair threading, the twisting action of the spring traps the hair and lifts it out of the follicle. Like with tweezing, the results can last up to two to four weeks. With regular treatments, hair re-growth becomes finer and sparser. Threading is a fast, effective method for removing unwanted hair, particularly popular for removing fine facial hair. For more information copy and paste the address below into your browser now to visit the website



  2. it can't be any more painful than using tweezers, right? I might try it out

  3. neggarappingneggarapAugust 4, 2012 at 10:17 PM

    Guys do do thisss never doo it with this little disorder no nooo nooo neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr max max taht u can do with it its ur upper lip do not do it on ur facial area please listen to me this will ruin ur skin and ur hair will grow back jsut liek u shaved itt trust me in thisssss

  4. If women has female body hair it cant be much and if its facial maybe they need to take hormone pills. Wouldn't that be a great solution?

  5. That thing hurts

  6. does it back thicker?

  7. That looks painful

  8. most likely your about 12, so dont worry girl it will come....

  9. Does that actally work??

  10. i have promblem that after i remove my facial hair small pimples start to appeare in the area of the removed hair
    so i stoped remove it
    but i don't like the look of the hair on my face :S

  11. can you guys please tell me where to buy this epicare from any store except online
    i really need it please thank you

  12. What walks down stairs, alone or in pairs
    and makes a slinkity sound?
    A spring, a spring, a marvelous thing!
    Everyone knows it's Epicare.
    It's Epicare, it's Epicare,
    It's fun, it's a wonderful toy.
    It's Epicare, it's Epicare, it's fun,
    It's a wonderful toy.
    It's fun for a girl or a boy. Or a Wookie o_O

  13. This is bull s*** its says it removes it "gently" ya right did you see how bad her eyes were watering!!!

  14. THIS HURTS!!

  15. all i know is that this hurts like a b****

  16. Yay!!! but i have lots of hair on my arms :( so i can use this on my arms right?

  17. Of course it's normal! You just extra feminine! You should be greatful, lol. :P

  18. W81HotPotLickin2ndAugust 5, 2012 at 7:34 AM

    this is just a door stopper spring. btw i used that, and it worked a lot, except for super extra fine hairs. ;]

  19. Exactly! Now duct tape comes in a beautiful variety of colors too!! May find one to match an outfit!!

  20. Great! Now that you have learned how to use this amazing device,maybe you could learn how to spell,"moisturize"..yes??

  21. I've got this and it really hurts when I do it on the check area, however upper lip, forehead and nose is alright for me, as in there is less pain and it is bearable! Also it does make your hair grow thicker, as removing hair with anything metal causes it to grow thicker and darker ( just like tweezing ). But overall it's a good, easy and quick way of removing unwanted hair!
