Saturday, August 4, 2012

Getting Laser Hair Removal and all about it...

This video was filmed whilst getting my first ever Laser Hair Removal. It takes alot of courage to post up a video like this so please "like". I wanted to film this video because I wanted to show everyone what it was like to be in the room getting your first treatment. I found that there was very limited information on the web about Laser Hair Removal so hopefully this is somewhat helpful in giving you an idea of how it all works. You can read about my FULL EXPERIENCES on my blog: For more information about The Laser Lounge, please visit http Thanks to Gita & Bita for hosting me at The Laser Lounge - Sydney CBD, Castle Hill and Brisbane Does it hurt? Depending on how you usually remove your hair, your pain level will be different. I usually epilate my underarms so when I got laser on my underarms, it didn't hurt at all. For those who usually shave their underarms, it may hurt a little more because the skin there is not used to being treated. Similarly, this is the same for other areas. For areas I shave, it was more painful but bearable. It almost felt as if someone was sticking their fingernails in my skin for a second, letting it go, and doing it again. The only difference I guess would be that the "zap" is "warm" - but there is a cool sensation to it after the heat so you get a mixture of hot & cold within the split second you get zapped. It's hard to explain, but overall, I would say the pain factor was ...


  1. does this work on middle eastern skin, also can i get it on my shoulders?

  2. i am going through this and its like hell! :'(

  3. EricaaislyneofficialAugust 4, 2012 at 9:54 PM

    I want to do that. My armpits are scary.

  4. LOL, I have had 2 sessions on under arms and bikini, one of which was a week ago, and a woman in the waiting room asked if I was having a baby! I have a very low tolerance for pain. I find the process quite brutal personally.

  5. yay in castle hill not too far

  6. how much did it cause ?

  7. theres no fucking hair before the treatment/ are you serious?

  8. Getting Lasered is an awesome idea if you've had trouble with hair. Ive recently started sessions with the Soprano XL machine. If anyones interested you can read about it here: tryingtobehairfree [dot] wordpress [dot] com

  9. Laser hair removal does not cause cancer because it uses non-ionizing radiation.

  10. Do your research before saying this will lead to cancer. All it takes is a Google search.

  11. Oh Cool (: Thanks !

  12. 1990JessicafeldmanAugust 5, 2012 at 2:36 AM

    Honestly what is it like? I am getting it done at my local beauty salon to me waxing hurts but my hairs are dark I am scared shitless after she told me it doesnt hurt

  13. It's laser hair removal the exact same as this video, its 6 sessions total and I'm due for my 4th one next week, i find it very painful, i get teary eyed during my sessions, but I believe my tolerance for pain is not that high... lol

  14. did you have laser hair removal or electrolysis? i heard that can be pretty painful

  15. I feel like such a pansy! She's not even flinching...I just had this done and I nearly cried! It was extremely excruciating! -_-

  16. How much does it cost per session?

  17. yet you watched the video... get a life

  18. you usually go about once every 5-6weeks. it takes 6-8 treatments for full results though

  19. depends on the amount and darkness of the hair. usually it takes about 6-8 treatments.

  20. im 17 and i have had treatments on my underarms bikini and legs. Age really doesnt matter.

  21. so what exactly is laser hair removal? Im sorry I dont know, I mean once you get it removed it doesnt grow back its permantly gone forever

  22. How many session does it take before the hair growth st0ps?

  23. IHave A Question , Is there a certain Age ?? I'm 17 Nd i Rlly Do Want This For Me
